
The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference 愛の反対は憎しみではない、無関心だ by Elie Wiesel

Athens, the capital of Greece, the origin of EU crisis, gave me negative impression initially. Somber-looking city, wild dogs and cats in empty street, and I nearly got robbed. In early morning of next day, I couldn’t have an uplifting feeling in the bus going to the same place as the start line of marathon in first modern Olympic in 1896 and also as the battle of Marathon between Athens and Sparta 2500 years ago.

At the start point, I saw a FC Barcelona-dressed runner and talked to him with remembering Barcelona, which made me start my challenge. After being delighted with the meeting with fellow fan, he said to me. “I have looked at your message. We Greek fire fighters went to help Japan but unfortunately were paid nothing by Greek government.” Those who put in effort on my country at the sacrifice of themselves are in this place. This moment made me really motivated to the race.

From the beginning of the race, I received more cheers from people along course and other runners than any other races in the past. Not only people said “Japan” and “Great”, but also a child murmured “Tokyo”, an old guy cried “Ichiban-desu!! (It’s number one in Japanese)” and an elderly couple said “Irasshaimase (Hello in restaurant in Japanese)” with throwing their arms.

While many runners offered a handshake and talked to me, a runner said “Actually, I’m working for Japanese embassy in Athens”. I replied “Really? I’m working Japanese government” and two of us exchanged look of delightful surprise. Finally, we finished race at almost same timing, and he became the first friend in my race experiences. He has shared my challenge from Greece.

A few days after going back to Madrid, before class, my classmates suddenly began to talk about Movember, which is the movement for appealing man’s cancer prevention by having mustache in November. After that, they wrote “ToMovember” in blackboard and appealed donation to class. Honestly, I fought to keep from crying and don’t remember that class at all.

As Elie Wiesel (Nobel Peace Prize winner) said, if the opposite of love is indifferent, these events means that I (hopefully my country) received immeasurable interest, which is immeasurable love.

I finished half of my challenge by this race. I still keep running marathon every month, so please support by donation or introducing my challenge to others.






ノーベル平和賞を受賞したElie Wieselの言う通り、愛の反対が無関心なのだとすれば、私(願わくば私の国)は計り知れないほどの関心、すなわち計り知れないほどの愛を受け取ったことになる。



It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself 真心から人を助けようとすれば、必ず自分自身も助けることになる。これは人生が私たちに与えてくれる最もすばらしい報酬のひとつなのです by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Yesterday, “Heroes of Fukushima” received 2011 Prince of Asturias Award for Concord, which is awarded by The Prince of Asturias Foundation (Fundacion Principe de Asturias) in Spain. This magnificent award ceremony was broadcasted on main TV station throughout Spain.

The last sentence of the reason for this award is as below.
"The behavior of these people has also embodied the values most deeply rooted in Japanese society, such as the sense of duty, personal and family sacrifice for the greater good and dignity in the face of adversity, humility, generosity and courage."

I’m proud I was born and grew up in this society, and I express my heartfelt gratitude to my beloved country, Spain, which gave beautiful compensation not to specific individual but to whole Japanese society in this disaster.

I continue my challenge not only because I want to do something for my country but also because my experience of challenge has already helped myself.

昨日、スペインのアストゥリアス皇太子財団(Fundacion Principe de Asturias)が2011年のアストゥリアス皇太子賞の平和部門に「Heroes of Fukushima」を選出し、荘厳な雰囲気で開催された授賞式の模様がスペインの主要テレビ局で全国に中継された。





One of the great discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do. ひとりの人間にとっての最大の発見、最大の驚きは、自分にはできないと思っていたことが実はできるのだ、と知ることである by Henry Ford

One week ago, I completed my challenge in October, Munich marathon. It was the race for me to be impressed by many new experiences.

Usually, at the beginning of a race, runners concentrate on themselves and don’t see the message for reconstruction assistance on my running shirt. However, other runners said “I love your heart” to me soon after race started. In the middle of the race, local people saw my message and cheered me up with running parallel to me by bicycle. It was also totally new experience for me to be backed up by people along the road, regardless of nationality. The new experience still continued after the race. The person who asked me “Are you Japanese doing the challenge?” was the student who belonged to same MBA as me in Barcelona. Though we didn’t know each other, he knew me and my challenge through our school. I was really glad that someone looking at me somewhere.

However, the happiest thing in this marathon was another story. I was introduced to this race through my classmate in my MBA. She learned with me in only one trimester as exchange student from Germany. She is excellent English speaker from her experience in US and really intelligent. Actually, at that time, I couldn’t speak English well and catch what she said. That is, we couldn’t communicate each other.
Nevertheless, she expressed her sympathy with my challenge, donated and supported me in this marathon. After the race, I met with her and had dinner together in local restaurant. My English is still bad but I was really touched by the situation that I enjoyed our conversation in the same table for a few hours. I couldn’t imagine that at all one year ago.

The message on my running shirt in this race was the idea by my new German classmate. One more year later, can I do what I was afraid I couldn’t do? I express my thanks to two German classmates, Bettina and Rene.

I finished the challenge in October. I would really appreciate if you could cooperate in donation from 1 pound and share this challenge with your family, friends and whoever.







Caring about someone, being sensitive to their loneliness, their misery, their pain, that’s kindness… and, I’d say, it’s also the finest human quality. 人を憂へる、ひとの淋しさ侘しさ、つらさに敏感な事、これが優しさであり、また人間として一番優れていることぢやないかしら by Osamu Dazai

“Retire” crossed my mind for the first time. I would have stopped race, if someone had not waited for me at finish line, if local runners had not offered their hands, if water woman had not encouraged with calling my name and cheers along the course had not made me smile.

My time was as below. Though it was perfect towards my best time in the first half, my pace slowed sharply by worst muscle ache I have ever had in the second half, and therefore the result was my worst time (except Swiss Alpine marathon).
8km 42:44
10km 52:48
21.1kim 1:51:05
30km 2:43:47
40km 3:56:59
Finish 4:13:26

While many runners passed me, they offered their hands like leading me, talked to me “Ganbattekudasai" in Japanese and tapped my shoulder. I can’t forget that woman at aid point saw my grimace of pain and passed water with saying “Tomofumi! You can do it!!” Polish people along the course made me laugh a lot. I was called “Takoyaki (Japanese octopus dumpling)” for the first time, in addition to “Samurai”. Many Japanese people were also there, such as the family of businessmen working for local branches of Japanese companies and Japanese college student tourists. Their cheers, “What a headdress!!” and “Go! Chonmage (Samurai hair is called this)”, made me remember my country which was trigger of my challenge. Finally, my dear friends and their family was waiting for me. Later I was surprised to look at picture of that time. I had smiled despite my terrible physical condition.

Actually, I was lucky to have excellent place. For my question “What is the attractive message for Polish?” they called to local copywriter and wrote that on my T-shirt. I was served delicious Carbonara on the day before race. After race, I was offered bath with bath salt of Dead Sea and excellent hand-made hamburger. Warm blanket and lemon tea was prepared once I felt freezing. When I waked up, mineral water and glass were by my bed. Here was my friend’s house, not five-star hotel.

I was really surprised to visit the museum about the Warsaw Uprising before going to airport. It is said that over 1.3 million people were living in Warsaw in the past but everything in the city was destroyed and only less than 1000 people were still living a few months later. They were dominated by Nazi, lost their hometown and were under communism pressure. In spite of that hard history, they rebuilt their life and keep having the finest human quality, kindness. I’m glad that I could run in such a place. The medal for finisher has the map of Western Europe. I felt the strong will for their future.

I finished the challenge in September. I would really appreciate if you could share this challenge with your family and friends or cooperate in donation.


8km 42:44
10km 52:48
21.1kim 1:51:05
30km 2:43:47
40km 3:56:59
Finish 4:13:26






It's a mistake to think the same time flows for everyone 誰にもかれにも、同じ時間が流れていると思うのは間違いだ by Yasunari Kawabata

Recently, after our family finished moving to Madrid, therefore I can share a relaxed sense of time with my wife and daughter in park, shopping and zoo. However, I remember some numbers, which are published about one month ago.
Due to the earthquake disaster in this March, 229 children lost both parents and 1066 children lost one parent. Needless to say, they lost not only their parents but also their hometown, their friends and even their memory. Furthermore, children that grew up in Fukushima have the potential to be labeled as “radioactive” wrongly.
In the past, people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki which atomic bombs were dropped suffered from various forms of differential treatment and were refused to even marry wrongly.
Their time flows is beyond my poor imagination. At least, we shouldn’t make that mistake again. We  should make possible efforts so that they can regain their own happy time in the future.
Thank you for your cooperation such as donation and sharing this challenge with your family, friends and whoever. A part of this donation will be used for the mental care for earthquake-stricken children.



I can live for two months on a good compliment ひとつの褒め言葉で2ヶ月は生きられる by Mark Twain

In an elective class, we were told to make a presentation by comparing last 10-month MBA to something. I was happy that Panamanian classmate said "Let's compare to Marathon with introducing Tomo's challenge". Swiss Alpine marathon was the time for looking back to my MBA.

In the day before race, I met with "Anna", Polish entrepreneur and MBA holder, in the train. She has the spirit of challenge, is analytical and changed my worry about race to positive emotion. In my MBA, I know Polish go-getter woman, analytical "Anna" and another "Anna" drastically changed my attitude to MBA.

The race was really really hard... lasting uphill, constant rain, sweat-chilling temperature on 2739 meters high and downhill along cliff. Nevertheless, other runners cheered up and asked about my challenge, offered to take pictures for its proof and gave me a raincoat for low temperature. These lifted my soul many times. I remember that some of them were German.

MBA was really tough for me, like this race. But all my classmates' behavior always saved me. For instance, many German helped me study, cared about and called to me, donated to my challenge and gave me ideas for its ads. Colombian and Costa Rican said to me "Everyone wants to listen to your opinion". Italian told me "What do you feel if foreigner tried to speak Japanese which is totally different language? Nobody care your English mistakes". "Our team need you" by Russian became the reason for me to continue MBA. I was happy with the request of high-five with "good job" from Uruguay's after presentation. "It's great that you said what no other classmates thought, even if you couldn't explain very well" by Peruvian is my treasure. I thank Catalan in every way. I have more memories than I can write here.

Finishing the race with remembering my MBA, unexpectedly I had interview with MC and sports magazine in Switzerland for ads of my challenge. After the interview, a Woman runner got close to me and said "Your challenge is nice idea. I like it. Can I take your photo?" I answered and asked her name. Her name was "Anna" too.

I appreciate EADA Business School, all its classmates and Barcelona from the bottom of my heart.

My challenge in July was done!! Thank you for your cooperation.

ある選択授業で何かに例えてこれまでのMBAを振り返りプレゼンするよう言われたとき、パナマ人のクラスメイトの「Tomoのチャレンジを題材にマラソンに例えよう」という提案が嬉しかったのを覚えている。Swiss Alpine marathonはまさにMBAを振り返る時間だった。



MBAは、私にとってこのレース同様にとても厳しいものだったが、クラスメイトの言動にいつも救われてきた。多くのドイツ人が、私に勉強を教え、心配して声をかけ、私のチャレンジに募金するとともに宣伝のためにアイデアをくれた。コロンビア人やコスタリカ人は「みんな、おまえの意見を聞きたがっているんだよ」と声をかけてくれた。イタリア人には「外国人が日本に来て全く違う日本語を一生懸命話してたらどう思う?英語の間違いなんて誰も気にしてないわよ」と励まされた。 ロシア人の「私たちのチームにはあなたが必要なの」という言葉が私がMBAを続ける理由になった。ペルー人から「うまく説明できなくても、誰もが気づかなかったことを発言したことが素晴らしい」と言われたことは私の宝物だ。カタラン人には全ての面で感謝している。他にも、ここに書ききれないほどの思い出がある。

自分にとってのMBAを思い出しながら走り終えると、予期せず、会場のMCさらにはスイスのスポーツ専門誌から私のチャレンジに関するインタビューを受けた。インタビュー後、一人の女性ランナーが近寄って来て「あなたのチャレンジは素晴らしいわ。写真を撮らせてもらえない?」と言われた。快く応じて名前を尋ねると、 最後もAnnaだった。

EADA Business School、そのクラスメイト、そしてBarcelonaに心の底から感謝を述べたい。



Stay hungry, Stay foolish

As you know, this is famous message by Steve Jobs to graduates in Stanford University graduation ceremony in 2005.
Almost a month ago, I met with the person expressing this spirit. He accepted a job offer from Jobs two times, which means he turned down one time. Second time, Jobs appeared in quite casual cloth with carrying fruits bag and said "This is good. Do you want a bite?" This scene just made him laugh and finally he became the president of Apple Japan.
Later, when he decided to leave this post, he received offers from many successful companies to become the president of those. However, he chose COO of venture company founded by two young man. Its office was smaller than previous president's room. Now, he is going out on sales by train everyday and is enjoying every minutes of growth of this company. I felt he has a lot of good reasons to be liked by the person who value "Stay hungry, Stay foolish."
His career began in IBM and actually he continues to love IBM ever now. Thomas J. Watson Sr. founder of IBM said "The formula for success is quite simple: double your rate of failure."
After many failures, today, I walk the stage in my graduation ceremony with dream of success. I will promise myself to stay hungry, stay foolish and not to be afraid of failure in my life.

[Thank you for your cooperation: http://www.justgiving.com/tomofumi-fukamiya/]

Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

その後、彼がその職を辞すと決めたとき、多くの成功企業から社長職の誘いがある中で彼が選んだのはオフィスが以前の社長室よりも小さい、若者二人が創業したベンチャー企業のCOOだった。今、彼は毎日電車で営業に歩き、このベンチャーの成長をバカみたいに楽しんでいる。「Stay hungry, Stay foolish」と述べた人物が好きになるのも無理はない。
彼のキャリアはIBMから始まり、実は、今でもIBMを愛してやまない。IBM創業者のThomas J. Watson Sr. はこう言った。「もっと成功率をあげたいと思うなら、倍の失敗をしなさい」



If you want others to be happy, practice compassion もし人を幸せにしたいのなら、慈悲の心を持ちなさい

On 22nd May, I selected Copenhagen as the second stage of my challenge. Vojtek, the husband of my classmates Dorota, offered the support of my challenge by running together in Copenhagen marathon. Actually, while race is physically demanding, wearing SAMURAI headdress alone before race is mentally demanding. I was really grateful!
In the first marathon except in Spain, I was a little surprised at the reaction of Danish people. While Latin people always cheered up in big voice, Danish often say "SAMURAI" in very small voice behind me. In addition to that, even if someone cheered in Danish, I couldn't understand. So, I had no opportunity of saying "TAK (Thank you in Danish)" I learned in advance.
After 30 kilometers, I heard small voice "Ganbattekudasaine (Do your best in Japanese)". Maybe, she is Japanese living in Denmark. She cheered for me with tearful eyes, reading the message in Danish on my shirts. She looked like saying "I have the same feeling as you towards our country." Somehow I was near to tears and I increased my pace before I knew it. As a result, I finished the race with my new record of 3:49:46.
I really thank Dorota who is my respectful classmate and great mother for two children, Vojtek who is her husband and ran with me, Bo who helped us in Copenhagen, and audience who cheered for me.

[If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. by The 14th Dalai Lama]

The second stage of my challenge was done! I would appreciate if you could donate or share this challenge with your friends, family and whoever.


[もし他者を幸せにしたいのなら、慈悲の心を持ちなさい。もし自分が幸せになりたいのなら、慈悲の心を持ちなさい。by The 14th Dalai Lama]


Hunger for love and appreciation 愛されること、人に理解してもらうことへの飢え

On 17th April, I selected Madrid as the first stage of my challenge. I ran Madrid marathon alone with SAMURAI headdress and the same message as CUNIT half marathon ("Japan is still suffering. Don't let Japan alone" in Spanish).
Before this race, when I talked about this challenge with the manager of my favorite hair salon in Barcelona, he said "you have to attract every attention!!" As a result, the color of my hair had changed to dark purple in my sleep. I forgot to say "I'm wearing headdress."!!
In the race, a number of runners called to me "Vamos, Japon!!" "Venga!!" with tapping my shoulder, holding out their hands for high five or expressing facial expression like "I got what you want to say". Furthermore, one of them said to me "I saw you in Barcelona marathon. Great challenge!!"
In the latter stage of the race, while many runners seemed to have a difficult time due to steep uphill, the person losing a foot raised his voice like "I want to run but I can't. Run instead of me!" So, no runner can walk in front of him.
I felt that not only runners but also audience understand and give love each other. I hope that these people watch my message, gain a further understanding of disaster area and turn warm eyes towards Japan.

The first stage of my challenge was done!! I appreciate if you donate or share this challenge with your friends, family and whoever.

[There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread. by Mother Teresa]


チャレンジ第一弾が終了しました。募金だけでなく、ご友人、ご家族、どなたにでもこのチャレンジのことを お知らせ頂けると有り難いです。よろしくお願いします!

[この世には、パンに飢えることよりも、愛されること、人に理解してもらうことへの飢えの方が多いのです。 by Mother Teresa]


Let him who has received benefit speak of it 恩恵を受けた者はそれを明らかにするべきだ

On 14th April, "Bocata Japon" took place by the initiative of Giulio, Director of EADA. There, the half of the charge for lunch was donated to Japan through my website.
I really regretted my past attitude. I was not good at English and hadn't lived abroad for 30 years. So, honestly, I continued to hesitate to have a relationship with classmates and professors in my school. I hadn't contributed to increasing Japan's presence in EADA, as the only Japanese student. Then, great earthquake occurred.
Nevertheless, unexpected number of students participated in this event. As a result, I could raise 274€. Though I don't have correct expression in English for expressing such a great feelings, I really appreciate Giulio, all the participants and Paulo, Martin, Kasper, Alex, Oscar and Carlotta who also donated personally.

[Let him who has bestowed a benefit be silent; let him who has received it speak of it. by Seneca]

4月14日、EADAのDirectorであるGiulioのイニシアティブで、ランチ料金の半分が私のwebsiteを通じて日本に募金される"Bocata Japon"が開催された。
にもかかわらず、予想を超える生徒がこのイベントに参加してくれた。結果的には、274€もの募金を集めることができた。自分はこの感動を正確に表現する英語力を持ち合わせていないが、Giulio、参加してくれた生徒のみんな、併せて個人としても寄付をしてくれたPaulo, Martin, Kasper, Alex, OscarとCarlottaに本当に感謝をします。

[恩恵を施した者はそれを隠すべきであり、恩恵を受けた者はそれを明らかにするべきだ。 by Seneca]

When I give, I give myself 人に何か与えるとき、私は自分自身を捧げる

Oscar, one of my classmates in empathy with my challenge, offered his cooperation on that. So, on 9th April, we ran the half marathon together in CUNIT, which is the local city with beautiful beach on the outskirts of Barcelona.
We ran with the message, "Japan is still suffering. Don't let Japan alone." written in Catalan by Barcelona-raised Oscar. But, an accident happened. Our sweat made this message disappear because we used liquid pen (produced by Inoxcrom)! I got the unexpected lesson in preparation for my challenge. :)
This race gave me so much fun. Children playing in beach held out their hands for high five. Especially, I was really impressed with the small voice "Arigato (means "Thank you" in Japanese)". I returned to the little boy and answered "Muchas gracias".
Oscar had donated to my challenge. However, running together made me happier than anything else. Thanks, Oscar.

[When I give, I give myself. by Walt Whitman]


[人に何か与えるとき、私は自分自身を捧げる。 by Walt Whitman]


Take pleasure out of being kind and helpful to people 人への親切は喜びとして

Thinking about what could I do, I recalled Barcelona marathon.
In this marathon, I wore "chonmage" (Samurai hair style) wig and running tog written "Samurai Japon en EADA (MBA I'm attending)" on its back, just for fun.
Responses were beyond my expectation. Other runners said "Vamos, Samurai!" "Venga, Japon!" and many spectators backed up me by calling my first name put above number tag. I could complete within four hours not because of just two-month training but because of warm cheers.
Maybe, European people will forget the unprecedented crisis in Japan with less news reports. I thought such an attention may be directed to Japan through myself.
If someone asked me what's the point in doing this, I hve no clear answer, honestly. I just wanted to do something for my country.

[I want to take pleasure out of being kind and helpful to people. I don't want to make a duty out of it.  by Kan Kikuchi]


[人への親切、世話は喜びとしてしたい。義務としてはしたくない。  by Kan Kikuchi]


Just give those things you can control your all できることを精一杯やろう

On March 11, 2011, when I was still looking back completing Barcelona marathon within four hours five days ago, there were videos of Tsunami just like a movie on TV.
Tohoku-Kanto earthquake in Japan. I couldn't recognize those as my own country soon. Rather, didn't have the idea that there can be such a thing in my own country.
In the past, I had similar feeling. One day in 2001, planes crashed into World Trade Center building many times on TV. Hearing "New York... such a terrible thing..." in a phone call from my acquaintance, I answered "Is this real?"
At that time, I never expected my country to face unreal situation in the future. Furthermore, now, I have to see as if that is the thing in far-away country.
So, what could I do for Japan?

[Don't fret over things you can't control. Just give those things you can control your all.  by Hideki Matsui]


[コントロールできないものに気を病むのではなく、できることを精一杯やろう  by Hideki Matsui]