
It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself 真心から人を助けようとすれば、必ず自分自身も助けることになる。これは人生が私たちに与えてくれる最もすばらしい報酬のひとつなのです by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Yesterday, “Heroes of Fukushima” received 2011 Prince of Asturias Award for Concord, which is awarded by The Prince of Asturias Foundation (Fundacion Principe de Asturias) in Spain. This magnificent award ceremony was broadcasted on main TV station throughout Spain.

The last sentence of the reason for this award is as below.
"The behavior of these people has also embodied the values most deeply rooted in Japanese society, such as the sense of duty, personal and family sacrifice for the greater good and dignity in the face of adversity, humility, generosity and courage."

I’m proud I was born and grew up in this society, and I express my heartfelt gratitude to my beloved country, Spain, which gave beautiful compensation not to specific individual but to whole Japanese society in this disaster.

I continue my challenge not only because I want to do something for my country but also because my experience of challenge has already helped myself.

昨日、スペインのアストゥリアス皇太子財団(Fundacion Principe de Asturias)が2011年のアストゥリアス皇太子賞の平和部門に「Heroes of Fukushima」を選出し、荘厳な雰囲気で開催された授賞式の模様がスペインの主要テレビ局で全国に中継された。





One of the great discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do. ひとりの人間にとっての最大の発見、最大の驚きは、自分にはできないと思っていたことが実はできるのだ、と知ることである by Henry Ford

One week ago, I completed my challenge in October, Munich marathon. It was the race for me to be impressed by many new experiences.

Usually, at the beginning of a race, runners concentrate on themselves and don’t see the message for reconstruction assistance on my running shirt. However, other runners said “I love your heart” to me soon after race started. In the middle of the race, local people saw my message and cheered me up with running parallel to me by bicycle. It was also totally new experience for me to be backed up by people along the road, regardless of nationality. The new experience still continued after the race. The person who asked me “Are you Japanese doing the challenge?” was the student who belonged to same MBA as me in Barcelona. Though we didn’t know each other, he knew me and my challenge through our school. I was really glad that someone looking at me somewhere.

However, the happiest thing in this marathon was another story. I was introduced to this race through my classmate in my MBA. She learned with me in only one trimester as exchange student from Germany. She is excellent English speaker from her experience in US and really intelligent. Actually, at that time, I couldn’t speak English well and catch what she said. That is, we couldn’t communicate each other.
Nevertheless, she expressed her sympathy with my challenge, donated and supported me in this marathon. After the race, I met with her and had dinner together in local restaurant. My English is still bad but I was really touched by the situation that I enjoyed our conversation in the same table for a few hours. I couldn’t imagine that at all one year ago.

The message on my running shirt in this race was the idea by my new German classmate. One more year later, can I do what I was afraid I couldn’t do? I express my thanks to two German classmates, Bettina and Rene.

I finished the challenge in October. I would really appreciate if you could cooperate in donation from 1 pound and share this challenge with your family, friends and whoever.







Caring about someone, being sensitive to their loneliness, their misery, their pain, that’s kindness… and, I’d say, it’s also the finest human quality. 人を憂へる、ひとの淋しさ侘しさ、つらさに敏感な事、これが優しさであり、また人間として一番優れていることぢやないかしら by Osamu Dazai

“Retire” crossed my mind for the first time. I would have stopped race, if someone had not waited for me at finish line, if local runners had not offered their hands, if water woman had not encouraged with calling my name and cheers along the course had not made me smile.

My time was as below. Though it was perfect towards my best time in the first half, my pace slowed sharply by worst muscle ache I have ever had in the second half, and therefore the result was my worst time (except Swiss Alpine marathon).
8km 42:44
10km 52:48
21.1kim 1:51:05
30km 2:43:47
40km 3:56:59
Finish 4:13:26

While many runners passed me, they offered their hands like leading me, talked to me “Ganbattekudasai" in Japanese and tapped my shoulder. I can’t forget that woman at aid point saw my grimace of pain and passed water with saying “Tomofumi! You can do it!!” Polish people along the course made me laugh a lot. I was called “Takoyaki (Japanese octopus dumpling)” for the first time, in addition to “Samurai”. Many Japanese people were also there, such as the family of businessmen working for local branches of Japanese companies and Japanese college student tourists. Their cheers, “What a headdress!!” and “Go! Chonmage (Samurai hair is called this)”, made me remember my country which was trigger of my challenge. Finally, my dear friends and their family was waiting for me. Later I was surprised to look at picture of that time. I had smiled despite my terrible physical condition.

Actually, I was lucky to have excellent place. For my question “What is the attractive message for Polish?” they called to local copywriter and wrote that on my T-shirt. I was served delicious Carbonara on the day before race. After race, I was offered bath with bath salt of Dead Sea and excellent hand-made hamburger. Warm blanket and lemon tea was prepared once I felt freezing. When I waked up, mineral water and glass were by my bed. Here was my friend’s house, not five-star hotel.

I was really surprised to visit the museum about the Warsaw Uprising before going to airport. It is said that over 1.3 million people were living in Warsaw in the past but everything in the city was destroyed and only less than 1000 people were still living a few months later. They were dominated by Nazi, lost their hometown and were under communism pressure. In spite of that hard history, they rebuilt their life and keep having the finest human quality, kindness. I’m glad that I could run in such a place. The medal for finisher has the map of Western Europe. I felt the strong will for their future.

I finished the challenge in September. I would really appreciate if you could share this challenge with your family and friends or cooperate in donation.


8km 42:44
10km 52:48
21.1kim 1:51:05
30km 2:43:47
40km 3:56:59
Finish 4:13:26



