
Hunger for love and appreciation 愛されること、人に理解してもらうことへの飢え

On 17th April, I selected Madrid as the first stage of my challenge. I ran Madrid marathon alone with SAMURAI headdress and the same message as CUNIT half marathon ("Japan is still suffering. Don't let Japan alone" in Spanish).
Before this race, when I talked about this challenge with the manager of my favorite hair salon in Barcelona, he said "you have to attract every attention!!" As a result, the color of my hair had changed to dark purple in my sleep. I forgot to say "I'm wearing headdress."!!
In the race, a number of runners called to me "Vamos, Japon!!" "Venga!!" with tapping my shoulder, holding out their hands for high five or expressing facial expression like "I got what you want to say". Furthermore, one of them said to me "I saw you in Barcelona marathon. Great challenge!!"
In the latter stage of the race, while many runners seemed to have a difficult time due to steep uphill, the person losing a foot raised his voice like "I want to run but I can't. Run instead of me!" So, no runner can walk in front of him.
I felt that not only runners but also audience understand and give love each other. I hope that these people watch my message, gain a further understanding of disaster area and turn warm eyes towards Japan.

The first stage of my challenge was done!! I appreciate if you donate or share this challenge with your friends, family and whoever.

[There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread. by Mother Teresa]


チャレンジ第一弾が終了しました。募金だけでなく、ご友人、ご家族、どなたにでもこのチャレンジのことを お知らせ頂けると有り難いです。よろしくお願いします!

[この世には、パンに飢えることよりも、愛されること、人に理解してもらうことへの飢えの方が多いのです。 by Mother Teresa]

