
Let him who has received benefit speak of it 恩恵を受けた者はそれを明らかにするべきだ

On 14th April, "Bocata Japon" took place by the initiative of Giulio, Director of EADA. There, the half of the charge for lunch was donated to Japan through my website.
I really regretted my past attitude. I was not good at English and hadn't lived abroad for 30 years. So, honestly, I continued to hesitate to have a relationship with classmates and professors in my school. I hadn't contributed to increasing Japan's presence in EADA, as the only Japanese student. Then, great earthquake occurred.
Nevertheless, unexpected number of students participated in this event. As a result, I could raise 274€. Though I don't have correct expression in English for expressing such a great feelings, I really appreciate Giulio, all the participants and Paulo, Martin, Kasper, Alex, Oscar and Carlotta who also donated personally.

[Let him who has bestowed a benefit be silent; let him who has received it speak of it. by Seneca]

4月14日、EADAのDirectorであるGiulioのイニシアティブで、ランチ料金の半分が私のwebsiteを通じて日本に募金される"Bocata Japon"が開催された。
にもかかわらず、予想を超える生徒がこのイベントに参加してくれた。結果的には、274€もの募金を集めることができた。自分はこの感動を正確に表現する英語力を持ち合わせていないが、Giulio、参加してくれた生徒のみんな、併せて個人としても寄付をしてくれたPaulo, Martin, Kasper, Alex, OscarとCarlottaに本当に感謝をします。

[恩恵を施した者はそれを隠すべきであり、恩恵を受けた者はそれを明らかにするべきだ。 by Seneca]

