
It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself 真心から人を助けようとすれば、必ず自分自身も助けることになる。これは人生が私たちに与えてくれる最もすばらしい報酬のひとつなのです by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Yesterday, “Heroes of Fukushima” received 2011 Prince of Asturias Award for Concord, which is awarded by The Prince of Asturias Foundation (Fundacion Principe de Asturias) in Spain. This magnificent award ceremony was broadcasted on main TV station throughout Spain.

The last sentence of the reason for this award is as below.
"The behavior of these people has also embodied the values most deeply rooted in Japanese society, such as the sense of duty, personal and family sacrifice for the greater good and dignity in the face of adversity, humility, generosity and courage."

I’m proud I was born and grew up in this society, and I express my heartfelt gratitude to my beloved country, Spain, which gave beautiful compensation not to specific individual but to whole Japanese society in this disaster.

I continue my challenge not only because I want to do something for my country but also because my experience of challenge has already helped myself.

昨日、スペインのアストゥリアス皇太子財団(Fundacion Principe de Asturias)が2011年のアストゥリアス皇太子賞の平和部門に「Heroes of Fukushima」を選出し、荘厳な雰囲気で開催された授賞式の模様がスペインの主要テレビ局で全国に中継された。




